The Ship for World Youth Alumni Association Venezuela is a registered organization of Venezuelan ex-participating youths (EXPYs) from the Ship for World Youth (SWY), an international cultural exchange program supported by the Government of Japan, that promotes mutual understanding between cultures, encouraging in all youth participants the spirit of international cooperation, creating greater awareness and appreciation of people from other cultures and the changing world we all inhabit.

SWYAA Venezuela seeks to continue the program spirit of promoting cultural diversity among young people. Understanding and appreciating intercultural differences ultimately promotes clearer communication, breaks down barriers, builds trust, strengthens relationships, opens horizons and yields tangible results for success collaboration. Cultural diversity is thus an asset that is indispensable for poverty reduction and the achievement of sustainable development. In order to do this each year SWYAA Venezuela helps coordinate a series of activities with local volunteers working with underprivileged children; giving talks using global examples of best practices to encourage conservation of the environment and cultural pluralism; participating in sports day and helping re-forest green areas of the city.