Volunteers have an indispensable role on our society. SWYAA Venezuela works on grass root level involving local youth and sharing realities with local communities. By doing this we recognize the value of volunteering for the participants as growing individuals, the usefulness of volunteering for their future profession and the impact of volunteering in the society for new thinking and enterprising development. SWYAA provides all volunteers with an opportunity of equal interaction, exchange and sharing of good praxis. If you wish to become part of our volunteer team contact us at swyaavenezuela@gmail.com.
As a Local Action Programme SWYAA Venezuela is supporting three rural schools for Primary Children “Escuela Bolivariana de Sicarigua” in Lara State, “Escuela Integral El Palomo” in Bolívar State and E.B.E "Luis Castro" in Vargas State. Research has been conducted in order to identify the needs of these communities. As a result SWYAA Venezuela is coordinating a series of capacity building workshops in the following areas:
• Sustainability and Recycling
• Cultural Heritage and Intercultural Education
• Health and Nutrition
• Economics and Administration
• Ethnicity and Human Rights

In order to attend other pressing needs in these communities the SWYAA Venezuela is constantly collecting donations for medicines and educational resources. If you wish to donate please contact us at swyaavenezuela@gmail.com