Welcome Reception in Honor of Ambassador of Japan in Venezuela, Mr.Tetsusaburo Hayashi.
Ricardo Reséndiz July 2013
On July 29 the Japanese Embassy in Venezuela hosted a reception Melia Caracas Hotel, on the occasion of the arrival of the new Ambassador of Japan in Caracas, Mr. Tetsusaburo Hayashi. The event brought together representatives of the Venezuelan government, various diplomatic missions in Venezuela, Japanese citizens residing in the country, and guests from different institutions that have relations with the Japanese Embassy.
Several ex-participants of the SWY program were present: former National Leaders Liliana Sivoli (SWY21) and María Elizabeth Rodríguez (SWY24) representing venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Carlos Díaz (SWY24) board member of GOEN Maracaibo and Ricardo Reséndiz (SWY21) on behalf of SWYAA Venezuela.
The new Ambassador addressed the audience a brief speech about his expectations as Ambassador of Japan, his background regarding external commerce, and his desire to keep strengthening bonds and deepen binational cooperation for the development of Venezuela, considering that 2013 is the 85th anniversary of japanese immigration and 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. His speech ended with two of his own Haiku poems dedicated to Orinoco River and Venezuela.
On behalf of the SWYAA Venezuela we would like address a special welcome to His Excellency, wishing him much success and hoping to reinforce the bonds between the Embassy and our Association by strengthening the relations between the two countries.

SWYAA Venezuela - EUSA Project
Nathalie Wierdak June 2013
In 2013 SWYAA Venezuela took part in a new volunteer international project together with five youth led organizations: European Plattform for Youth Development (Romania), Aljaraque en Acción (Spain), Cardiff Youth Council (UK), ORPAS (Brazil) and OAJNU (Argentina). This project, called "EUSA - Encouraging Sustainable Action Through Unity", is supported by the Youth in Action fund from European Union, and has as its main objective to create a comprehensive common action strategy that tackles the major global issue of stimulation of initiative and entrepreneurship amongst youth while spurring Latin America – European Union best practice exchange learning and cooperation.
3 SWYAA volunteer Andreína Soto, Carlos Reséndiz and Johalis Ramírez, along with other 15 volunteers from the above mentioned countries participated in a Capacity Building session in Romania. The event seek to strength the skills and abilities of all the participants and build interpersonal aptitudes.
Job Shadowings were conducted in Europe and South America. SWYAA Venezuela hosted two volunteers Lucía Gómez and Cristian Thoma coming from Spain (Aljaraque en Acción) and Romania (European Plattform for Youth Development). During their stay they research the current situation on youth entrepreneurship in Venezuela. SWYAA Venezuela organized institutional visits to a series on NGOs among them: Asociación de Jóvenes Empresarios de la Universidad Simón Bolívar (AJE USB), Asociación de las Naciones Unidas de Venezuela (ANUV), Superatec, Fundes, Grupo Social CESAP, Banauge and Opción Venezuela. The job shadowers also took part in SWYAA volunteers activities with Fundamusical (El Sistema), Doctor Yasso and SOS Aldeas Infantiles promoting cultural diversity and dialogue. A special visit was organized to elementary school EBE Luis Castro in Caraballeda, Vargas State. The volunteers prepared a series of activities for children ages 6-12 using non-formal education methods raising awareness on the importance of intercultural understanding.
The final outcomes of the Project will be presented in an End of Year Conference that will take place in September in Wales UK where the results will be presented to the European authorities. The completed results from the EUSA Project will be published in an English and Spanish paper for dissemination in each of the participant countries.
You can read more about the Job Shadowing in Venezuela in the JS Weekly Reports

Meeting “Entrepreneurship and Business Motivation”
Andreina Soto - May 2013
As part of the activities of the Project Encouraging Unity trough Sustainable Action (EUSA), the members of SWYAA Venezuela along with the international volunteers Lucía Gómez (Aljaraque en Acción, España) and Cristian Toma (EPYD, Rumanía) organized the Meeting “Entrepreneurship and Business Motivation”, that took place on April 27 of 2013, in CITECI (Caracas).
To begin with the sessions, two special guests made presentations related to the main subject: Elsie Maita with “The Entrepreneurial life”, and Ottnayver Cadena who talked about the National Ecosystem of Entrepreneurship, the Venezuelan Chamber of Franchises, and some strategies for the development of the entrepreneurship plans in Venezuela. Following to the presentations, a roundtable was made also with the representatives of the other organizations that took part of the meeting: AJE USB, Opción Venezuela, Embajadores Comunitarios, Impulso Creativo, Banesco, Transnautas and Emprendedores.net.ve. This dynamic served to discuss about the labor of each organization, their challenges and accomplishments, and the situation of the economy, entrepreneurship and youth unemployment in the country. To close the meeting, each participant reflected on the possible solutions that can be developed in order to overcome the difficulties, and possible strategies to be applied together in order to accomplish these objectives.
The results of this activity served as a very enrichment source of information to the international volunteers, who worked on a report about the situation of the Entrepreneurship and Youth initiatives in Venezuela. This report will be published as part of the results of the EUSA project, in a book that will be presented on September of 2013 in Wales, UK.

EUSA Project - Final Conference
Andreina Soto - October 2013
As part of the activities of the EUSA Project, the coordinators and volunteers of each country reunited in Cardiff, Wales, to take part in a final conference where the participants had the chance to remember the moments lived during this year, and commenting the results carried out from the project.
The Final Conference took place on October 23, at Cardiff Youth Center. During the opening of the meeting, each coordinator gave a presentation of their NGOs, and the socio-economic context of each country. Finally, the volunteers talked about their experiences during the Job Shadowingheld in Argentina, Brazil, Rumania, Spain, Venezuela, and Wales and the results the volunteersdid for the final reports, showing the impact of the organizations and institutions that are working in each country towards youth entrepreneurship.
These experiences showed how some governmental and private initiatives are made with tangible results, serving as good practice examples to develop strategies in order to multiply and diversified the efforts towardsyouth leadership, economic development, and the volunteer work.
Through this conference, it was remarkedthat the work developed during this year will become the basis for future projects between the NGO partners, and that cultural exchange is a valuable tool to make an impact and become the seeds for the change!

Brick - Building our Community
Edwin Solorzano - June 2013
The SWYAA Venezuela had the privilege to receive an invitation to attend the “Brick Project – Building our Community”, that was a European initiative about citizens’ active participation in community planning. Brick was a two years project and consisted of four seminars and a result workshop. The seminars took place in Spain, Slovenia, Denmark and Finland, and the workshop was in Finland. Participants came from the hosting countries and from Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Sweden. Each seminar has had up to 50 participants.
The themes of the seminars were:
Cultural heritage and urban planning, Spain.
Consumerism, Slovenia.
Ethnic inclusion in Democracy, Denmark.
Rural Development and Employment, Finland.
The target group were adults of all ages who are engaged in the themes due to involvement in their civil society organizations, they are students or experts on the field or they are decision makers in the communities where we are working. The working methods were built on gathering and analyzing information, study visits, community development workshops and collecting, presenting and spreading of results. We used creative non-formal learning methods for the activities. Team-building and intercultural learning activities were supporting activities so that working on the theme was done in good cooperation and with understanding of the cultural context.

Meeting With The Japanese Ambassador In Spain
Leonel Velásquez - March 17th 2014
Volunteers, ex-students from the scholarship programs and ex-participants of the Ship for World Youth Program Spain and Venezuela, along with all members of the Japanese Embassy, diplomats and ministers from different countries, joined the celebration of the annual meeting at the Japanese Ambassador’s house in Madrid.
This year was the Dual Year Japan-Spain which commemorates the 400 years of the arrival of the Keicho Embassy to Spain. This event started with the National Anthem of Spain followed by the National Anthem of Japan as its custom. The environment was full of joy as all the people were chatting and greeting the Ambassador of Japan, Satoru Satoh, who kindly gave a speech congratulating the students who earned the scholarships and were going to study to Japan this year and commemorating the first Spanish who won this scholarship many years ago.
Afterwards, the dinner was served as an open buffet with the best of Japanese cuisine. The members of the SWYAA Venezuela Edwin Solórzano (SWY21) and Leonel Velasquez (SWY21) took the opportunity to talk with the ambassador about their own experiences on the Ship for the World Youth Program, their life in Spain, and their desire to keep working with the embassy through the SWYAA Spain.

4-H Global Summit
Nathalie Wierdak - October/ November 2014
In October – November 2014 SWYAA Venezuela Project Coordinator Nathalie Wierdak and Youth Representative Luis Omar Rodríguez took part in the 4-H Global Summit: Harnessing the Power of Youth at the Olympic Parktel in Seoul – South Korea.
The 4-H movement is an international youth development program that currently operates in more than 80 countries worldwide.
During the Summit a full day of workshops on the following topics: Youth Development, Equity, Access, and Opportunity, Partnerships, Youth Program Development and Organizational Systems, provided the opportunity to exchange best practice and ideas among participants.
The closing ceremony took place at the Olympic Stadium with more than 5.000 attendees.

YouthfulCities Caracas
Nathalie Wierdak - May 2014
In May 2014, SWYAA Venezuela Project Coordinator Nathalie Wierdak and Youth Representative Andreína Soto lead the YouthfulCities initiative in Caracas Venezuela.
YouthfulCities is a global social venture that illuminates and decodes the power of urban youth globally.
With the help of volunteers Andreína Martínez, Carlos Reséndiz, Ricardo Reséndiz, Lunín Pereda, Luis Omar Rodriguez, Ricardo González and Erick Wierdak they conducted more than 600 surveys among youth from different backgrounds, providing input for the YouthfulCities INDEX that ranks the world's top cities from a youth perspective, amplifying the voice of urban youth globally while inspiring change locally.
Extensive research was also involved for completing the Caracas INDEX, with more than 16 different categories like civic participation, transportation, health, security, diversity, media, cost of living, among other, and hundreds of indicators.
The results of this research were presented during the 30 Network Caracas meeting, a pop-up think-tank involving 30 influential urbanites under the age of 30. The 30 are all proven leaders with multidisciplinary interests and backgrounds, connected to what matters to young people in the city.

GOEN Maracaibo – Sharing the Japanese Culture
Lucia Faccini & Carlos J. Diaz - July 2014
GOEN Maracaibo went to the Red Cross Association to teach low resources children how to make some basics origami, together with Japanese culture and Japanese words, also, the story and meaning behind some of the origami we taught to them.
We taught them origami like the classical crane and told the kids why it is a symbol of piece, and they were really curious about it. Also we taught them some with they could play with, like the jumping frog and the balloon, which they enjoyed quite a lot. There were some like a t-shirt which could be used as an envelope and they loved the idea.
As we taught them how to make the origami and their story and meaning, we taught them how the names for those origami where pronounced in Japanese, and for our surprise the kids became eager to learn more Japanese words and expressions, so we taught them how to say hello and how to say goodbye.
After we made a lot of origami we gave them some juice and cookies as an afternoon snack, and to have a sharing moment with everyone. They spent that whole time playing with their frogs and balloons, asking to explain some of the folds again so they could remember them afterwards and we took some pictures with all the kids and their origami.
It was a nice and different afternoon for the kids, they learned new words, about a very different culture from their own and even learned about their language. It was rewarding to see the kids having so much fun with the origami and the excitement to learn more about the Japanese culture. And we hope we can repeat the experience soon.

Youthful Cities Caracas
Nathalie Wierdak - May 2015
SWYAA Venezuela Project Coordinator Nathalie Wierdak was selected to participate in the Youthful Cities Global Summit that took place on May 2015 in Toronto, Canada. Each year this Summit brings together over 100 youth leaders, innovators and change-makers from all five regions of the world to collaborate and co-create in a 5-day interactive showcase. There were site visits, inspiring speakers and a series of Hack-A-Thons on key urban issues to put youth creativity to the test. These young minds worked together to create innovative solutions for some of the world's biggest challenges while expanding our global network to include engaged delegates from the world's biggest cities. Caracas was ranked 54 among 55 cities exposing the big challenges that everyday citizen face when it comes to cost of living, education, health and above all security. However, civic participation among youth in the city took 4th place, showcasing the engagement of youth in society to work towards positive change and solution to the current problem we all face. The second phase of the Youthful Cities Caracas project is underway lead by two SWYAA Venezuela volunteers Victor Becerra and Javier Medina, the target for the end of 2015 is to reach more than 1000 youth via a qualitative survey.

SWY Gathering in Madrid
Edwin Solórzano and Leonel Velásquez - June 2015
On June 28th, Edwin Solórzano and Leonel Velásquez from SWY 21 Venezuela had the opportunity to hold a meeting with several Spanish Ex participants, in order to receive a good friend from Japan. We were pleased to received Ms. Makiko Kojima “Macco”, who has been a former participant of the Ship of World Youth Program and its Staff since 2009.
During this warm gathering, every ex-PY had the chance to share experiences about the activities they have been up to and their personal achievements, to introduce the Spanish Culture, an also to exchange Ideas about the different programs our SWY Alumni Associations are running. This visit was a great occasion to stretch the bounds of friendship among the SWY exparticipants, and keeping alive the SWY Spirit.

Nathalie Wierdak - June 2015
In June 2015, SWYAA Venezuela got involved in the Coordination of the first TEDxUCV event in Caracas. Nathalie Wierdak (SWYAA Venezuela – Project Coordinator) was the Executive Producer for the event. The TEDxUCV focused in the reconstruction of the social matrix for Venezuela, and was carried out in alliance with Generacion en Red. International Chef Sumito Esteves, Stadistics and Economist Luis Vicente Leon, Local Entrepreneur Carlos Cesar Avila and Youth Leader Javier Medina were among the 13 different presenters. Each one of them delivering ideas, sharing experiences and sparkling innovative solutions to approach our current social, economic and political crisis.
Here are the links for two of the presentations that are currently available for viewing in YouTube:
During a crisis if you freeze you lose. Luis Vicente Leon http://bit.ly/1O8v0UX
The power of the non-political actors to change the system. Javier Medina http://bit.ly/1O30qyc

Stephanie Chacín - August 2015
This year GOEN Maracaibo, a Japanese school in Venezuela coordinated by 10 volunteers including 3 ex-PYs, Stephanie Chacin, Carlos Diaz and Lucia Faccini (SWY24), organized a sports and recreation event for their Japanese language students. Schools in Japan celebrate the “Undoukai” or Sports day, a very important event that takes place every year. We decided to include it as one of our yearly activities, to encourage understanding and learning through experience, by taking this known tradition in schools, a small piece of Japanese culture can be closer to Venezuelan students.
A day full of challenges that brought together people from different backgrounds. Popular games that took place were tug-of-war, human pyramids, team jump-rope, and so much more. Even though it is a competitive event, the “Undoukai” was a great opportunity for students to share and get to know each other out of the classroom.
We were able to promote teamwork, leadership, strategic thinking and decision making, everything while having fun. One of the happiest days of the year. Filled with good energy and joy. And also a very rewarding day, knowing that each smile can mean “thank you”.
SWY Gathering in Mexico City
Ricardo Resendiz - December 2015
On 2012, SWYAA Venezuela was a partner organization on a project for the European Commission regarding poverty and marginalization. Last December, two exparticipants of Learn Live Love Project traveled to Mexico, Eelin Höffstrom from Finland, and Renato Corzo from Peru. Ricardo offered homestay for them and also to take them to visit some touristic sites at Mexico City.
The first tour was to the neighborhood of Coyoacán, an old town that merged to the great metropolis, rich in culture and history. They visited the local market, which showed them many views of Mexican culture, food, hand crafts, music, and traditions. The second place to visit was a museum that was the house of the world famous artists Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo. Many international visitors came to see how they lived, the different art pieces that are exposed, the way they lived, reminders of Frida’s illness, and aspects of Mexican history.
The second tour was to Chapultepec Forest, where the National Museum of Anthropology is located. There, they had the opportunity to see the different old civilizations that lived in Mexico before the Spanish; which included the Mayan and Aztec cultures. After the tour inside the museum, they saw a cultural manifestation outside of the museum called “Voladores de Papantla” that consists of a dance and the climbing of a 30-meter pole from which four of the five participants then launch themselves tied with ropes to descend to the ground. At the end of this, Eelin, Renato and Ricardo walked to the Castle of Chapultepec, which is the National Museum of History.

Tokyo Conference for Ex-Participating Youth of “Ship for World Youth Leaders” Program and Related Programs.
Andreina Martínez - March 2016
In March 2016, Venezuela had the opportunity to participate in the Tokyo Conference for Ex-Participating Youth of “Ship for World Youth Leaders” Program and Related Programs. During four days of interesting discussions, the 32 countries representatives gave reports about Post Program Social Contribution Activities held in their respective countries and planned on joint activities for the following years.
The 32 representatives had the opportunity to present their activities to Mr Hideki Uemura, Director for International Youth Exchange affairs and Mr Akihiko Kimpara, Deputy Director for Policy Planning at the Office of the Director General for Policies on Cohesive society in the Government of Japan. One of the most important goals achieved during the Conference, was the creation of the Commemorative Joint Statement by which SWYAA International members aim to emphasize the impact that the Programme creates for all participants and society.

As for Venezuela, Vice-President Andreina Martinez proposed a Post Program Social Contribution Activity called “Tanno Tuy Project” to be taking place in Gran Sabana Region, home of the Angel Falls the largest waterfall in the world. Sharing cultural activities with children from indigenous population, giving donations and sharing with local entrepreneurs; this programme aims to give the community tools and best practices in order to cope with the difficult economic and political situation that Venezuela in going through.
In addition to that, SWYAA Venezuela and IYEO representatives shared their thoughts and expressed their deepest concerns about the situation that Venezuela is going through which is directly affecting the activities that SWYAA Venezuela actively performs during the year.
Tokyo Conference Report at Japan Embassy in Caracas
Andreina Martínez - April 2016
On April 2016, SWYAA Venezuela Vice-President Andreina Martinez, had the opportunity to present the outcome of her participation in the Tokyo Conference for Ex-Participating Youth of “Ship for World Youth Leaders” Program and Related Programs, to the Assistant Cultural Attache Justina Soques.
During the meeting Andreina Martinez presented the activities held in Tokyo during the Conference which aimed to emphasize the impact that the Programme creates for all participants and society. Additionally, SWYAA-Ven Vice-President presented the 2015 Annual Report and the proposed Post Program Social Contribution Activity called “Tanno Tuy Project” aiming to give the community of Gran Sabana, tools and best practices in order to cope with the difficult economic and political situation that Venezuela in going through.
The Embassy of Japan in Venezuela also expressed their deepest concerns about Ex-PYs leaving the country due to the difficult situation that Venezuela is going through, and hopes that SWYAA Venezuela can remain as one the most active Alumni Association as it was for the past years.

Tokyo Conference Report at Japan Embassy in Caracas

Tokyo Conference Report at Japan Embassy in Caracas

SWY Gathering in Montreal

SWY Gathering in Montreal
A Bit Of Venezuela And Japan In Madrid
Leonel Velásquez - April / October 2016
As part of the SWYAA community, we are constantly finding ways to reignite the SWY spirit though our activities. Even though living far from their country, Venezuelan exPY’s Edwin Solórzano (SWY21) and Leonel Velásquez (SWY21) have been participating in activities that have an impact in the community surrounding them.
In April 2016, these Venezuelan exPY’s have been hosts to exJPY Marino Kaneko (SWY21). During her stay in Spain, the participants have visited all the historical places in Madrid, such as Sol, Plaza Mayor, El Retiro, and important museums like El Prado and Reina Sofía. As it has become custom, the participants used this time to share thoughts on Spanish culture and way of life, comparing these to Japanese culture, bringing out the positive things of both.
The visit was full of joy, sharing their experiences after the ship and how they have been continuing the SWY philosophy in their professional careers. The visit ended with a nice typical Spanish lunch, where the participants continued their conversations on the SWY and the future of the programme.
Later in October 2016, Venezuelan exPY Leonel Velásquez (SWY21), have been host to exJPY’s Megumi Satake (SWY21) and Saeko Inayoshi (SWY21).
While visiting Spain, the exPY’s have shared a day of cultural contrasts through the center of the city, discussing about the differences between Spanish, Venezuelan and Japanese culture. As part of this experience, the exPY’s have visited historical sites of the center of the capital like Plaza Mayor, Sol and Cibeles.
Afterwards, the group had a dinner at a very traditional restaurant, to have a taste of typical Spanish cuisine. This was the perfect moment to share thoughts on the evolution of SWY, the perspectives we have of the programme and the activities that we have been participating in the past years. This visit brought the chance to reflect on ourselves, to share how the programme has changed our lives and how we have been impacting on people ever since.

SWY21 Reunion in Mexico City
Ricardo Resendiz - January 2016
Another member of the Venezuelan SWYAA that emigrated is Ricardo Reséndiz (SWY21), he is currently living in Mexico City. Recently he established contact with Mexican SWYAA, and is expecting to participate in any activities that local association is to promote.
Last December, ex-PY Yuriko Tsuji (SWY21) contacted Ricardo and Mexican ex-PY’s due to her intentions to visit Mexico City during winter holidays. Our Venezuelan member was invited first to a touristic walk at downtown “Zócalo”, and later to a reception dinner organized for Yuriko, who is working in Guatemala, and has little access to Japanese cuisine and products; for that reason, not only some Japanese dishes were bought for dinner, but also Ricardo proposed to take Yuriko to buy some products to a Japanese with Lorna Zamora and Aya Saito.
On the last night Yuriko stayed in Mexico, she was invited to Ricardo’s house and had dinner with his family.
Youthful Cities Caracas
Nathalie Wierdak - November 2016
In 2016 SWYAA Venezuela volunteers Victor Becerra and Javier Medina lead the Youthful Cities project in Caracas as Research Fellows. Over 1.000 surveys were conducted among youth between 15-34 years olds. The survey provided a good indicator of the views of young people about the infrastructure needs of their cities and the benefits and challenges of city life from their perspective. It found that 58% of Millennials surveyed said they plan to leave their city within the next 10 years, citing affordability, employment and safety as key drivers.
The Urban Millennial Survey also raised the fact that only 17% of Millennials feel that their city governments are listening to them. However, 55% of youth want to participate in meetings about the future of their city. The results clearly show that Millennials want to be engaged, they recognise the economic importance of living in a youthful city and they want to help create it.

SWY Cultural Gathering in Madrid
Edwin Solórzano - June 2016
On June of 2016, with the beginning of the summer time, Leonel Velasquez and Edwin Solórzano from Venezuela (SWY21) had the privilege to receive several Ex-PYs in Madrid.
As a part of a vacation plans, Andres Cordova (SWY21) from Venezuela and his wife, Marwa Hussein (SWY22 Egypt), and also Mike Lafleur (SWY21 Canada) and Kieran Brown (SWY21 New Zealand) traveled to Spain to experience some of the highlights of Madrid such as the taste of the local cuisine, enjoy the city center and the museums, the walks in Plaza Mayor, Gran Vía and El Retiro Park, among others.
The moment was auspicious to gather with some of the Spanish Ex-PYs and reinforce the spirit of the SWY Program. During their visit we had time to share experiences related to the development on their careers, achievements, personal projects and the SWY Post Program activities that everyone is holding in their countries.

SWY Gathering in Montreal
Andreina Martínez - November 2016
In November, Andreina Martinez from SWY21 and her husband, Keshan Dass, had the opportunity to visit Canada for a work related trip and a late honeymoon. The first week of their trip, they visited Toronto where they held work related meetings but also enjoying the beautiful and active city. The second week, they visited Montreal, where they had more time to enjoy the beautiful and snowy Old Port, Old Montreal and the impressive architecture the city has.
The final day of their trip around Montreal, Andreina and Keshan were invited to a sushi party hosted by Sarah Pinchevsky Aniya (SWY21), Hideki Aniya (SWY21) and their lovely daughter Leia, with the nice company of Satomi Maatsunaga (SWY21) and her handsome baby Liam, Eveline Lefebvre (SWY24) and Ferron Olynyk (SWY24).
During this warm gathering, ex-PYs shared the activities they have been up to and their personal achievements their visions about Canada, especially Montreal.
This visit was a great occasion to stretch the bounds of friendship among the SWY ex-participants, and keeping alive the SWY Spirit.

Otago Museum, New Zealand

Otago Museum, New Zealand
Nathalie Wierdak Fellowship
Otago Museum, New Zealand
Nathalie Wierdak - December 2016
During 2016 SWYAA Venezuela Secretary General Nathalie Wierdak received a fellowship working for the Otago Museum Science Engagement Division as Outreach Coordinator. She helped raised funds to develop a science programme for rural communities across the South Island, delivering hands on sessions for children age 5-18, engaging over 9.243 young minds with science and its special role for the successful achievement of the sustainable development goals.

SWYAA Venezuela On-line Survey
Andreina Martinez - December 2016
SWYAA Venezuela, in an effort to make relevant and appropriate activities for 2017, proposed a Venezuelan ExPY On-line Survey starting on December 2016. The aim of this survey is to locate Ven-ExPys living abroad, the activities that they are currently performing for their communities and the ability to contribute for the Annual Fee given the prohibition that Venezuelan citizens have to buy foreign currency making it impossible for SWYAA Venezuela to pay the fee.
The survey is still open at the moment and the results will be published in a short time. Questions ranged from their actual country of residence to what activities they propose considering the difficult situation that Venezuela is going through.
SWYAA Venezuela hopes this initiative can help to stablish a stronger network between Venezuelan ExPys and that those friends living abroad can contribute with their communities to keep the SWY spirit alive.
>>SWYAA Venezuela On-line Survey<<